cajun creole creation
I just made this as the main image for my hotel's bar's promotional collaterals, and it got rejected *sigh*.
Anyway, I've made another one and it is green-lighted. More of my illustrations at my personal homepage: OuiC'estChic!com
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It got rejected? THOSE BASTARDS!!! :p
(I think it's the crocodiles).. hihihi
keren lho, cha :-)
eeee~ your illustrations are getting better and better! *irihati* kursus kilat dong cha. sudah terlalu lama ga nggambar dan ngutak-atik fotoshop/illustrator tangan jadi kaku :<
itu benda2 skitarnya bukan lo gambar sendiri kan? duh, selalu deh bisa aja nemu gambar2 yg pas from around the net! hm tapi buayanya kurang nyatu tuh. dan si ijo2nya ga kliatan kaya aer (kalo ga ada buayanya gue kirain karpet :P)
kayunya keren! itu gambar ndiri atau..?
oya, i'm still coming friday evening. gue ga akan dong melewatkan gathkom00tercintah! (untunglah si oye maennya tengah malem... kalo sooner than that, ya c u 2 bulan lagi teman2ku! ;P) jadi jangan lupa:
1)bawa cd berisi file2 gue (ayo burn sekarang! kalo besok pasti ga sempet lo)
2)bawa thumbsucker + dvd2 lain yg mo lo pinjemin ke gue
3)don't forget gue cuup bazaar-nya! bulan depan tak tagih loh.
dan krn lusi ama ajeng ga ikut gath, kalo perlu pas balik lo anterin gue ke manna ya? please please pretty please? *kitty eyes*
brp lama sempet di Nice? aiyaya... stay-nya di Vieux-Nice kah? Gue cuma 8 hari di sana, tapi punya temen ber-apt tepat di tengah Vieux-Nice, di samping pasar tradisional, toko turis, dan resto antik - whoaaaaah j'adore Nice.
I lurv it. yea... maybe the crocodile. huhuhu. Uchaaaa... terkunci di kamar mandi ga ada lucu2nya. huaaa.... eh, on second thought, emang lucu, asalkan yg terkunci itu orang laen. hehe.
ho hum ho hum ho hum ...
jgn bilang itu buat promosi BATS...
*ga heran di reject :o:o
meski bagus banget... tp cosmopolitan banget :(:(
yg naughty" dikit dong ahhh... :D:D:D
ayoo uchaa... uchaa... keluarkan jurus sakti muuu
ngomong2, tes toefl buat apaan?
bien sur, bonne chance pour le test, le MBA (moi, je vote pour le Royaume Uni pas les Etats Unis -LOL).
Untuk MBA, mereka minta test GMAT juga ngga?
is that airbrush? looks pretty cool.
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