dimanche, mars 19, 2006

j'aime les samedis!

(that's French for "I love Saturdays!")

Mon dieu, I just re-enrolled in another french class. This time it's conversation class. How I miss those days and of course, my friends.

I joined because of a friend who constantly provoked me to join, join, and join. So I joined! I paid 43 GBP for the class. There are only two guys in the class (another friend of mine and he's so not my type), and the teacher, who is tres vieux and again, not my type.

Anyhoo, it was fun! It was exciting! Even the vintage teacher knows how to make jokes!

And, the fun didn't stop there. I went to see Ultraviolet with Pandu! Mon Dieu, it was so cool!!! I'm gonna watch it again! It's so comical and I love the ending. I'm a comic freak and a hardcore fan of Jovovich, so of course I'm saying it's Supercool... Wait, I mean, ULTRAcool!.

Plus, it's one woman against a whole fleet of men. Now that's something.

the ultracool ULTRAVIOLET!

Okay, exactly, what am I writing? I'm like, so euphoric and hyperventilating of all the excitements this Saturday.

Last thing, haha... Last words...

I find nicely toned (and big) arms attractive. And therefore, I find these two guys attractive.

Kevin Sites

The first one: Kevin Sites. Caucasian. War journalist (can it get hotter than that??? My God, look at his arms!! And I so love the messy hair. Makes me want to sit on his lap, facing him, giving him hot, chewy, wet kisses, grinding on his groin and playing with his hair).

Paradorn Srichaphan
Paradorn Srichaphan

The second one: Paradorn Srichaphan. Asian. Tennis player (just look at the color of his skin, his pecs, his arms... *drools* I'm so in love).

Oh, well... I'd better be off. I'm so sleepy.

Need to go to church at 19.00 tonight. 3 1/2 more hours.


Anonymous Anonyme's two cents...

bienvenue (encore)

gue juga, kls konversasi gue sabtu ini.
eh tapi kls elo PRIVAT bgt, cuma 2 org. LOL. itu 43 quid brp pertemuan kah? kalo boleh tau. ngga pun gpp.


7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme's two cents...

enam bln, value for money bgt.

kok bisa sih, di sini kecuali community college, semua kelas french itu mahal2. gue di sydney uni, itu juga udah ampir tidak affordable, tapi alliance francaise justru dobel.

elo di ccf yah? itu dapet subsidi dari govt FR kah? heheee .

oyah, pertanyaan terakhir, jadi satu kelas brp students? prof-nya asal mana (quelle région)?

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme's two cents...

ben, ce serait mieux si votre prof est français ... c'est pas grave .... ou si ???


di sini ngga ada CCF yg dapet subsidi dari govt FR.


3:52 PM  
Blogger Avin's two cents...

ng.. gue juga les di CCF Wijaya hari Sabtu! Tapi dari mula lagi.. hihihi

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme's two cents...

Ouaisss, je fais le prof.

Je crois que ce serait «J'aime le samedi» parce-ce qu'en français LE samedi ca signifie chaque samedi (qui se répète) chaque semaine. Ben, au moins c'est ce que je me souviens de la leçon grammaire. Excuse moiiiiiiiiiiiii ... LOL hehee

I love Saturdays - c'est l'anglais ça.


5:30 AM  

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